The Etymology of Bey


Ha Etimologia Shel Bey (The Etymology of Bey) was inspired by the fact that there has never been a thorough etymological study published on the origins of the Moorish titles; specifically the etymology of Bey.

Due to this, Moors have been subjected to much conjecture and connotation around the word “Bey”. In fact, many Moors who bear the title don’t even know if “Bey” is an Arabic word or not.

What Is The Origin of the Word “Bey”?

We’ll save that for the lecture. But, many Moors assume “Bey” comes from the Arabic tongue. And those who do know that Bey is a Turkish title have no issue with it being Turkish.

This is because they’ve been told that the Turks are Moors. So to them, if it’s Turk-ish, then it’s Moor-ish. And for some, that is more than enough.

JudahSon’s question to them would be: “If Moors are Canaanites, Moabites, Hittites, Hebrews, etc; why would they trade in their titles for Turkish titles?”

Think about it. If “Bey” means “Chief”, why wouldn’t a Moabite or even a Canaanite call themselves “Aluf/Eluf “or even “Eil” instead?

Though JudahSon was well aware of the Hebrew etymology of Bey from years prior; denial caused him to overlook what he saw.

This meant he was forced to go along with the conjectural-connotation that everyone had been exposed to within the Moorish paradigm. JudahSon knew better though.

Having come across these revelations over 10 years ago, he also felt it was better to not  “rock the boat” within the Moorish community. Afterall, there are thousands of Moors carrying the Turkish title, Bey.

So to tell them that they were never properly educated on the subject would be sure to “ruffle some Moorish feathers”.

Years later, while getting back into his Ivrit (Hebrew) studies, JudahSon came back across the breakdown on the origin and true meaning of “Bey” that had made him so uncomfortable years before.

This time, he was able deal with what he saw. Hopefully, you are too. Put It Out There TV Entertainment presents to you, The Etymology of Bey.

Purchase the Etymology of Bey Video Lecture: